Local partnerships

Local partnerships

The House of Representatives is a federal governing body and Congressmen can’t dictate state laws.  My three biggest issues—affordable health care, education reform, and prison recidivism—are affected just as much by state laws and policies as by federal ones.  Therefore, I would pressure the Nevada State Legislature to make changes parallel to what I’m trying to do in Washington DC. America has gotten used to the fact that politicians live and stay in DC when they’re supposed to be here at home most of the time and only in DC to vote on bills.

Even if I don’t win this election in 2018, I’ll still create local partnerships and bring people together who are as serious as I am about improving local life in Las Vegas.  Just see what we can do in our own community without the government’s help! Congressman Strawder will be a hometown Congressman, and the state senators and mayors are probably going to get tired of me.  That’s OK with me, as long as we’re getting the job done!

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